Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tips on Selling to the Govt: B2G Help - Stimulus Contracts!

Here are some options when selling to the gov't - remember it is ALL about RELATIONSHIPS, when selling direct to gov't or event to the primes. Govt is not going to call you - nor will the primes just b/c you are cute. There is hard work, time, $$$$ and lots of effort involved. It is a LONG-term investment Thousands of companies have been selling (relationship building) to the gov't for many many months, if not years. There is still room for the new guy they just have to remember that it will not be an overnight success playground, nor will it be a high margin business in the beginning.

Here are some resources - some funded by your tax dollars, and others not.
Sometimes a GSA Schedule/contract vehicle can be quite beneficial in expediting the buying process. This also opens you up to state/local & quasi-government purchases as well as GSA Advantage - GSA's e-buy portal.
These 2 companies can help w the marketing list to help you with the smiling and dialing part of the sales process. Great networking group for B2G curious, B2G service providers, and B2G contractors. Fantastic org run by Guy and Maggie Timberlake. run by Jeff White. run by Alex George
All great org's for listing your B2G business, finding partners, opps, competitors, industry info, etc. Subscribe here to gov't publications to stay abreast of the market as well as your specific industry.
Look here for govt related trade shows, conferences. You need to attend these to meet the decision makers, key players, program managers, end users, CO's, buyers, etc.
Great site for gathering info on solicitations (RFP's, RFQ's, RFI's, Sources Sought, etc) over $25k. Most are wired for the customer who has been in front of the client for the past 6-24++ months. (This market is RELATIONSHIP based!!) Still a good site for contact info and learning about partners, competitors, etc.

DoD has a Mentor-Protege program, as do the Prime Contractors. Again, this is relationship based. GSA is looking into thist program, too.

Again, selling to the government is based on RELATIONSHIPS, which take time, and interaction with all or some combination of the groups mentioned above. It is not a playground for the faint of heart of those with limited budgets. A great way to diversify your client base, not recession proof however due to the time/$$ investment. Do you math/homework and determine your ROI before jumping on the "Stimulus Bandwagon".

****If you are local to DC, please join us every 3rd Thursday of the month - Kennedy Center - for B2G networking. Please feel free to add me to your network or contact me for more information. We meet on the Foyer Level, Millennium Stage Area, 5-8pm. B2G Contractors, B2G Service Providers, B2G Curious. All are welcome!****

Jennifer Schaus
Jennifer Schaus & Associates
Washington, DC
2 0 2 - 3 6 5 - 0 5 9 8

*Working with Domestic & Foreign Companies

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